Challenge Grant

Dear Friend, Great news for the Institute for Global Education!

Fountain Street Church’s Social Action Committee has awarded IGE a challenge grant: They will match any money we can raise dollar for dollar up to $1000! After the first $1000, Fountain Street Church will match our money, 50 cents on the dollar up to another $1000! This is an enormous opportunity for IGE! We will use the money to pay office expenses and hire an office coordinator to make sure our office runs smoothly and help with vital programs such as our “Refugees are welcome here!” demonstration, Mandela Day celebration, Peace Week activities and Interfaith Service, IGE Talks on GRTV, and much more. Our office currently hosts study groups, petition drives and meetings with various groups.

Won’t you help us? Please give generously so we can take advantage of this wonderful opportunity! So please donate $100, $50, or $20 today.

Make your check out to the Institute of Global Education, writing FSC Challenge Grant in the memo line and send to IGE. Donations are deductible to the full extent of the law as IGE is a 501(c)(3). We also take PayPal, credit cards, and cash.

For more information, call us at (616) 454-1642, visit the office or email Kate Shockey (email hidden; JavaScript is required). Thank you!

On behalf of IGE,
Katie Villaire, IGE Board President
1118 Wealthy Street SE
Grand Rapids MI 49506