Justice for Rasmea Odeh–September 22 update

Justice for Rasmea Odeh–Tuesday, September 22 update, 7:00pm at IGE

Institute for Global Education is at 1118 Wealthy Street SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506

Rasmea Odeh is the target of U.S. government repression because she stands for equality, freedom and justice. Rasmea Odeh is a “serve the people” leader of the Arab American community in Chicago, an icon of the Palestinian liberation movement, and a determined activist for equality and justice for women and all oppressed peoples.

Two years ago the U.S. government raided and arrested her, put her on trial for a minor immigration paper work problem, and is attempting to imprison and deport her. In an unfair trial where she was not allowed to talk about being tortured by the Israeli Military, she was found guilty and sentenced to 18 months in prison and then deportation to a country other than her own. This trial was overturned by an appeals court in Cincinnati.  A victory for the movement in solidarity with Rasmea Odeh.

At 69, Rasmea Odeh embodies the life long struggle of the Palestinian people to be free from colonization and occupation. We ask you to come here a report on her case, build the solidarity movement with Rasmea Odeh, and attend her next court hearing in Detroit on Tuesday, November 29 in front of Judge Drain.

Tom Burke with the Committee to Stop FBI Repression at www.StopFBI.net will make a short presentation and then discuss organizing solidarity with Rasmea Odeh.